Eucalyptus services

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How to register Eucalyptus services

Eucalyptus services need to be registered in the following order:
1. CLC

euca_conf --register-service -T user-api -H <host_ip> -N <api_name>

2. Walrus

euca_conf --register-walrusbackend --partition walrus --host <walrus_ip> --component <walrus_name>

3. CC

euca_conf --register-cluster --partition <partition_name> --host <cc_ip> --component <cc_name>

4. SC

euca_conf --register-sc --partition <partition_name> --host <sc_ip> --component <sc_name>

Once all the services are registered, proceed to register each NC on the CC server

euca_conf --register-nodes "<node0_ip> ... <nodeN_ip>"
  • Always ensure the Front-end servers have the default route pointing to the internal network.
  • While they are routed to the internal network start all the eucalyptus services in the proper order.
  • Ensure all the services are running properly with euca-describe-services
  • Change the route to the external network.
