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Cleaning up

Shutting down an instance

There are 2 ways to turn of the instance


You can shut down the machine running in the remote terminal

 -bash# /sbin/shutdwon -h now


The instance can be turned off using the API tools

 # ec2-terminate-instances i-577aae3e

Deregistering an AMI

If the AMI is no longer needed it can be de-registered using the following command:

 # ec2-deregister ami-43ab4f2a

Removing an AMI from Amazon S3

If the AMI has been deregistered and is no longer needed it can be removed in order to avoid to be charged for storage the AMI on Amazon S3, to remove it run the command:

 ec2-delete-bundle -b uwink -p uWink-general-server -a pk-PJ12XQWP23APPWWLR.pem -s cert-PJ12XQWP23APPWWLR.pem