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Power Management

Power administration on uWink terminals is done by different applications, based on which hardware is handled.

  • ACPI for macmini, used to set "Suspend on RAM"
  • dpms on DT, used to turn off the screen


  • Suspend*

Issue the following command on the terminal to be suspended:

 echo mem > /sys/power/state

  • Wake*

From a remote terminal isue the following command:

 ether-wake 11:22:33:AA:BB:CC
where Template:11:22:33:AA:BB:CC is the mac address of the terminal to be waked up.

Alternatively the following python code could be useful to wake up a terminal


 # Wake-On-LAN
 # Copyright (C) 2002 by Micro Systems Marc Balmer
 # Written by Marc Balmer, [email protected], http://www.msys.ch/
 # This code is free software under the GPL

 import struct, socket

 def WakeOnLan(ethernet_address):

   # Construct a six-byte hardware address

   addr_byte = ethernet_address.split(':')
   hw_addr = struct.pack('BBBBBB', int(addr_byte[0], 16),
     int(addr_byte[1], 16),
     int(addr_byte[2], 16),
     int(addr_byte[3], 16),
     int(addr_byte[4], 16),
     int(addr_byte[5], 16))

   # Build the Wake-On-LAN "Magic Packet"...

   msg = '\xff' * 6 + hw_addr * 16

   # ...and send it to the broadcast address using UDP

   s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
   s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
   s.sendto(msg, ('<broadcast>', 9))

 # Example use


  • Screen off*

To power off screen run the following command:

 /usr/sbin/vbetool dpms off

Screen on To power on screen run the following command:

 /usr/sbin/vbetool dpms on