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  1. Install `oniguruma` development package<
 Debian: libonig-dev<
> Fedora: oniguruma-devel
  1. As root run the following command:
 gem install webby haml coderay ultraviolet RedCloth rdiscount bones cucumber

The above line will build and install the proper gems in order to setup webby gem, the second line will show the available templates

Create a webby blog site

  1. Check the available templates
 webby-gen -t

 Available Templates
   blog, presentation, tumblog, website

  1. Create the blog site called myblog
 mkdir -p /var/rails
 cd /var/rails
 webby-gen blog myblog
  1. Edit the necessary files on content folder
  2. Edit the Sitefile in order to deploy application to the server location
  3. Build and deploy
 webby build
 webby deploy:ssh
Note that `ssh` could be replaced by `rsync`

Webby tasks

Some common tasks on webby are:

 webby autobuild          # Continuously build the website
 webby blog:post          # Create a new blog post
 webby build              # Build the website
 webby clobber            # Delete the website
 webby create:page         # Create a new page
 webby create:partial       # Create a new partial
 webby create:atom_feed   # Create a new atom_feed
 webby deploy             # deploy the site to the webserver
 webby deploy:rsync       # Deploy to the server using rsync
 webby deploy:ssh         # Deploy to the server using ssh
 webby rebuild            # Rebuild the website
 webby validate           # Alias to validate:internal 
 webby validate:external  # Validate hyperlinks (include external sites)
 webby validate:internal  # Validate hyperlinks (exclude external sites)