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x11vnc is reliable vnc server which doesn't take much or even all the CPU usage. To install it run:

 # yum -y install x11vnc

VNC on demand

To improve the usage of VNC, it can be triggered by xinetd, a configuration file under `/etc/xinetd.d` must look like

 service x11vnc
         disable         = no
         socket_type     = stream
         protocol        = tcp
         port            = 5900
         wait            = no
         user            = root
         server          = /usr/bin/x11vnc
         server_args     = -inetd -display :0 -scale 2/3 -ncache 10 -auth /var/gdm/\:0.Xauth -usepw -rfbauth /opt/uwink/.vnc/passwd -o /opt/uwink/.vnc/x11vnc.log -ssl SAVE

That means that a service with such name must be created in order to let xinetd know which service to trigger when the desired port is bind. it could be accomplished by adding it to `/etc/services`

 # echo "x11vnc 5900/tcp" >> /etc/services

At the end, ensure that X server grants access to *DISPLAY 0* by adding at the end of the Template:\~/.bashrc file:

 xhost +

#!wiki info
 Please ensure that xinetd is installed before start VNC setup.

VNC on on demand over SSL

Some things that should be considered in order to get connection to a vnc terminal are:

  • Iptables is set to only listen for VNC calls from server, to get connection from your terminal you need to remove the statement `-s` on `/etc/sysconfig/iptables` rule for vnc.
  • To do vnc from mac use ssvnc, it is available at [[1]]


  • x11vnc certificates and key management